Asyncio API


class sdbus.DbusInterfaceCommonAsync(interface_name)

D-Bus async interface class. D-Bus methods and properties should be defined using dbus_property_async(), dbus_signal_async(), and dbus_method_async() decorators.


Don’t forget to call super().__init__() in derived classes init calls as it sets up important attributes.

  • interface_name (str) – Sets the D-Bus interface name that will be used for all properties, methods and signals defined in the body of the class.

  • serving_enabled (bool) – If set to True the interface will not be served on D-Bus. Mostly used for interfaces that sd-bus already provides such as org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.

async dbus_ping()

Pings the remote service using D-Bus.

Useful to test if connection or remote service is alive.


This method is ignores the particular object path meaning it can NOT be used to test if object exist.

async dbus_machine_id()

Returns the machine UUID of D-Bus the object is connected to.


machine UUID

Return type:


async dbus_introspect()

Get D-Bus introspection XML.

It is users responsibility to parse that data.


string with introspection XML

Return type:


async properties_get_all_dict()

Get all object properties as a dictionary where keys are member names and values are properties values.

Equivalent to GetAll method of the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface but the member names are automatically translated to python names. (internally calls it for each interface used in class definition)


on_unknown_member (str) – If an unknown D-Bus property was encountered either raise an "error" (default), "ignore" the property or "reuse" the D-Bus name for the member.


dictionary of properties

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

properties_changed: Tuple[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, Any]], List[str]]

Signal when one of the objects properties changes.

sdbus.utils.parse_properties_changed() can be used to transform this signal data in to an easier to work with dictionary.

Signal data is:

Interface namestr

Name of the interface where property changed

Changed propertiesDict[str, Tuple[str, Any]]

Dictionary there keys are names of properties changed and values are variants of new value.

Invalidated propertiesList[str]

List of property names changed but no new value had been provided

_proxify(bus, service_name, object_path)

Begin proxying to a remote D-Bus object.

  • service_name (str) – Remote object D-Bus connection name. For example, systemd uses org.freedesktop.systemd1

  • object_path (str) – Remote object D-Bus path. Should be a forward slash separated path. Starting object is usually /. Example: /org/freedesktop/systemd/unit/dbus_2eservice

  • bus (SdBus) – Optional D-Bus connection object. If not passed the default D-Bus will be used.

classmethod new_proxy(bus, service_name, object_path)

Create new proxy object and bypass __init__.

  • service_name (str) – Remote object D-Bus connection name. For example, systemd uses org.freedesktop.systemd1

  • object_path (str) – Remote object D-Bus path. Should be a forward slash separated path. Starting object is usually /. Example: /org/freedesktop/systemd/unit/dbus_2eservice

  • bus (SdBus) – Optional D-Bus connection object. If not passed the default D-Bus will be used.

export_to_dbus(object_path, bus)

Object will appear and become callable on D-Bus.

Returns a handle that can either be used as a context manager to remove the object from D-Bus or .stop() method of the handle can be called to remove object from D-Bus.

Returns a handle that can be used to remove object from D-Bus by either using it as a context manager or by calling .stop() method of the handle.

with dbus_object.export_to_dbus("/"):
    # dbus_object can be called from D-Bus inside this
    # with block.


handle = dbus_object2.export_to_dbus("/")
# dbus_object2 can be called from D-Bus between these statements


# dbus_object3 can be called from D-Bus until all references are
# dropped.
del dbus_object3

If the handle is discarded the object will remain exported until it gets deallocated.

Changed in version 0.12.0: Added a handle return.

  • object_path (str) – Object path that it will be available at.

  • bus (SdBus) – Optional D-Bus connection object. If not passed the default D-Bus will be used.


Handle to control the export.

class sdbus.DbusObjectManagerInterfaceAsync(interface_name)

This class is almost identical to DbusInterfaceCommonAsync but implements ObjectManager interface.

Example of serving objects with ObjectManager:

my_object_manager = DbusObjectManagerInterfaceAsync()

managed_object = DbusInterfaceCommonAsync()
async get_managed_objects()

Get the objects this object manager in managing.

sdbus.utils.parse_get_managed_objects() can be used to make returned data easier to work with.


Triple nested dictionary that contains all the objects paths with their properties values.

Dict[ObjectPath, Dict[InterfaceName, Dict[PropertyName, PropertyValue]]]

Return type:

Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]

interfaces_added: Tuple[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]

Signal when a new object is added or and existing object gains a new interface.

sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_added() can be used to make signal data easier to work with.

Signal data is:

Object pathstr

Path to object that was added or modified.

Object interfaces and propertiesDict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]

Dict[InterfaceName, Dict[PropertyName, PropertyValue]]

interfaces_removed: Tuple[str, List[str]]

Signal when existing object or and interface of existing object is removed.

sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_removed() can be used to make signal data easier to work with.

Signal data is:

Object pathstr

Path to object that was removed or modified.

Interfaces listList[str]

Interfaces names that were removed.

export_with_manager(object_path, object_to_export, bus)

Export object to D-Bus and emit a signal that it was added.

ObjectManager must be exported first.

Path should be a subpath of where ObjectManager was exported. Example, if ObjectManager exported to /object/manager, the managed object can be exported at /object/manager/test.

ObjectManager will keep the reference to the object.

Returns a handle that can be used to remove object from D-Bus and drop reference to it by either using it as a context manager or by calling .stop() method of the handle. Signal will be emitted once the object is stopped being exported.

manager = DbusObjectManagerInterfaceAsync()

with manager.export_with_manager("/object/manager/example", dbus_object):
    # dbus_object can be called from D-Bus inside this
    # with block.

# Removed signal will be emitted once the with block exits


handle = manager.export_with_manager("/object/manager/example", dbus_object2)
# dbus_object2 can be called from D-Bus between these statements
# Removed signal will be emitted once the .stop() method is called

If the handle is discarded the object will remain exported until it gets removed from manager with remove_managed_object() and the object gets deallocated.

Changed in version 0.12.0: Added a handle return.

  • object_path (str) – Object path that it will be available at.

  • object_to_export (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync) – Object to export to D-Bus.

  • bus (SdBus) – Optional D-Bus connection object. If not passed the default D-Bus will be used.


RuntimeError – ObjectManager was not exported.


Handle to control the export.


Emit signal that object was removed.

Releases reference to the object.


The object will still be accessible over D-Bus until all references to it will be removed.


managed_object (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync) – Object to remove from ObjectManager.

  • RuntimeError – ObjectManager was not exported.

  • KeyError – Passed object is not managed by ObjectManager.


@sdbus.dbus_method_async([input_signature[, result_signature[, flags[, result_args_names[, input_args_names[, method_name]]]]]])

Define a method.

Underlying function must be a coroutine function.

  • input_signature (str) – D-Bus input signature. Defaults to “” meaning method takes no arguments. Required if you intend to connect to a remote object.

  • result_signature (str) – D-Bus result signature. Defaults to “” meaning method returns empty reply on success. Required if you intend to serve the object.

  • flags (int) –

    modifies behavior. No effect on remote connections. Defaults to 0 meaning no special behavior.

    See Flags .

  • result_args_names (Sequence[str]) –

    sequence of result argument names.

    These names will show up in introspection data but otherwise have no effect.

    Sequence can be list, tuple, etc… Number of elements in the sequence should match the number of result arguments otherwise SdBusLibraryError will be raised.

    Defaults to result arguments being nameless.

  • input_args_names (Sequence[str]) –

    sequence of input argument names.

    These names will show up in introspection data but otherwise have no effect.

    Sequence can be list, tuple, etc… Number of elements in the sequence should match the number of result arguments otherwise RuntimeError will be raised.

    If result_args_names has been passed when Python function argument names will be used otherwise input arguments will be nameless

  • method_name (str) – Force specific D-Bus method name instead of being based on Python function name.


from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async

class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

    # Method that takes a string
    # and returns uppercase of that string
        result_args_names=('uppercased', )  # This is optional but
                                            # makes arguments have names in
                                            # introspection data.
    async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
        return str_to_up.upper()
@sdbus.dbus_property_async(property_signature[, flags[, property_name]])

Declare a D-Bus property.

The underlying function has to be a regular def function.

The property will be read-only or read/write based on if setter was declared.


Properties are supposed to be lightweight to get or set. Make sure property getter or setter does not perform heavy IO or computation as that will block other methods or properties.

  • property_signature (str) – Property D-Bus signature. Has to be a single type or container.

  • flags (int) –

    modifies behavior. No effect on remote connections. Defaults to 0 meaning no special behavior.

    See Flags .

  • property_name (str) – Force specific property name instead of constructing it based on Python function name.


from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_property_async

class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # This is just a generic init
        self.i = 12345
        self.s = 'test'

    # Read only property. No setter defined.
    def read_only_number(self) -> int:
        return self.i

    # Read/write property. First define getter.
    def read_write_str(self) -> str:
        return self.s

    # Now create setter. Method name does not matter.
    @read_write_str.setter  # Use the property setter method as decorator
    def read_write_str_setter(self, new_str: str) -> None:
        self.s = new_str
class sdbus.DbusPropertyAsync

Properties have following methods:


Defines the setter function. This makes the property read/write instead of read-only.

See example on how to use.


Defines the private setter function. The setter can be called locally but property will be read-only from D-Bus.

Calling the setter locally will emit properties_changed signal to D-Bus.

Changed in version 0.12.0: can now be used in overrides.

async get_async()

Get the property value.

The property can also be directly await ed instead of calling this method.

async set_async(new_value)

Set property value.

@sdbus.dbus_signal_async([signal_signature[, signal_args_names[, flags[, signal_name]]]])

Defines a D-Bus signal.

Underlying function return type hint is used for signal type hints.

  • signal_signature (str) – signal D-Bus signature. Defaults to empty signal.

  • signal_args_names (Sequence[str]) –

    sequence of signal argument names.

    These names will show up in introspection data but otherwise have no effect.

    Sequence can be list, tuple, etc… Number of elements in the sequence should match the number of result arguments otherwise RuntimeError will be raised.

    Defaults to result arguments being nameless.

  • flags (int) –

    modifies behavior. No effect on remote connections. Defaults to 0 meaning no special behavior.

    See Flags .

  • signal_name (str) – Forces specific signal name instead of being based on Python function name.


from sdbus import DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_signal_async

class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

    def name_changed(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError
class sdbus.DbusSignalAsync

Signals have following methods:


Catch D-Bus signals using the async generator for loop: async for x in something.some_signal.catch():

This is main way to await for new events.

Both remote and local objects operate the same way.

Signal objects can also be async iterated directly: async for x in something.some_signal

catch_anywhere(service_name, bus)

Catch signal independent of path. Yields tuple of path of the object that emitted signal and signal data.

async for path, data in something.some_signal.catch_anywhere():

This method can be called from both an proxy object and class. However, it cannot be called on local objects and will raise NotImplementedError.

  • service_name (str) – Service name of which signals belong to. Required if called from class. When called from proxy object the service name of the proxy will be used.

  • bus (str) – Optional D-Bus connection object. If not passed when called from proxy the bus connected to proxy will be used or when called from class default bus will be used.


Emit a new signal with args data.


Override the method.

Method name should match the super class method name that you want to override.

New method should take same arguments.

You must add round brackets to decorator.


from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async

class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

    # Original call
    @dbus_method_async('s', 's')
    async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
        return str_to_up.upper()

class ExampleOverride(ExampleInterface):

    async def upper(self, str_to_up: str) -> str:
        return 'Upper: ' + str_to_up.upper()

Override property.

You must add round brackets to decorator.


from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_property_async

class ExampleInterface(DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.s = 'aaaaaaaaa'

    # Original property
    def str_prop(self) -> str:
        return self.s

    def str_prop_setter(self, new_s: str) -> None:
        self.s = new_s

class ExampleOverride(ExampleInterface):

    def str_prop(self) -> str:
        return 'Test property' + self.s

    # Setter needs to be decorated again to override
    def str_prop_setter(self, new_s: str) -> None:
        self.s = new_s.upper()