
Asyncio client and server

In this example we create a simple example server and client.

There are 3 files:

  • example_interface.py File that contains the interface definition.

  • example_server.py Server.

  • example_client.py Client.

example_interface.py file:

from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async,
                       dbus_property_async, dbus_signal_async)

# This is file only contains interface definition for easy import
# in server and client files

class ExampleInterface(
    async def upper(self, string: str) -> str:
        return string.upper()

    def hello_world(self) -> str:
        return 'Hello, World!'

    def clock(self) -> int:
        raise NotImplementedError

example_server.py file:

from asyncio import get_event_loop, sleep
from random import randint
from time import time

from example_interface import ExampleInterface

from sdbus import request_default_bus_name_async

loop = get_event_loop()

export_object = ExampleInterface()

async def clock() -> None:
    This coroutine will sleep a random time and emit a signal with current clock
    while True:
        await sleep(randint(2, 7))  # Sleep a random time
        current_time = int(time())  # The interface we defined uses integers

async def startup() -> None:
    """Perform async startup actions"""
    # Acquire a known name on the bus
    # Clients will use that name to address to this server
    await request_default_bus_name_async('org.example.test')
    # Export the object to D-Bus

task_clock = loop.create_task(clock())

example_client.py file:

from asyncio import get_event_loop

from example_interface import ExampleInterface

# Create a new proxy object
example_object = ExampleInterface.new_proxy('org.example.test', '/')

async def print_clock() -> None:
    # Use async for loop to print clock signals we receive
    async for x in example_object.clock:
        print('Got clock: ', x)

async def call_upper() -> None:
    s = 'test string'
    s_after = await example_object.upper(s)

    print('Initial string: ', s)
    print('After call: ', s_after)

async def get_hello_world() -> None:
    print('Remote property: ', await example_object.hello_world)

loop = get_event_loop()

# Always binds your tasks to a variable
task_upper = loop.create_task(call_upper())
task_clock = loop.create_task(print_clock())
task_hello_world = loop.create_task(get_hello_world())


Start server before client. python example_server.py

In separated terminal start client. python example_client.py

Use CTRL-C to close client and server.

You can also use ExampleInterface as a local object:

from asyncio import run
from example_interface import ExampleInterface

example_object = ExampleInterface()

async def test() -> None:
    print(await example_object.upper('test'))

    print(await example_object.hello_world)
